BY LAWS OF THE Historical Society of Waretown REVISED July 15, 2021
The name of this Society shall be The Historical Society of Waretown, Inc. Obtaining a Certificate of Incorporation in 1968. Said Corporation exists under the Title 15A of the Revised Statutes of the State on New Jersey.
The objectives of the Society shall be for collection, preservation, education and to obtain and record, through research, historical and genealogical information concerning events in order of their happenings, in the Township of Ocean (Waretown, Brookville). This also includes the areas formerly known as Old Dover Township, Old Stafford Township and Union Township. The objectives of the Society shall also be to restore and recreate any of the old buildings and/or historical sites in the Township of Ocean which may be deemed practical for historical preservation, and to furnish such buildings to conform with the period in which they were originally built.
All persons who are interested in carrying out the objectives of the Society shall be eligible for membership in the society.
A. CHARTER MEMBERS are those persons who joined the Society on or before 1968
B. Honorary Members are those persons who have rendered outstanding work or made valuable contributions for the furtherance of the objectives of the Society, upon recommendation of the Executive Board and upon election by a majority vote of the eligible members present at a regular meeting of the Society. Honorary members shall not be subject to the payment of dues or assessments.
C. Lifetime Members are those persons who joined the Society on or before October 30, 2004.
This marks the Grand Opening of the Little Red Schoolhouse Museum. These members assisted in the re-establishment of the Historical Society enabling the construction of the building.
D. Regular members shall be those persons joining the Society from time to time after 1968, other than Charter Members, Lifetime Members, or Honorary Members.
E. All members of the Society shall have full voting privileges if they have attended at least three regular meetings in any one year.
An applicant shall file an approved application form and submit same with annual dues.
A. The annual dues for membership in the Society shall be $5.00 due and payable to the Treasurer on January (1) first of each year.
B. No member shall be eligible for nomination to any office or be eligible to vote in any meeting of the Society if their dues are in arrears.
The Officers of the Society shall consist of a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Historian and Curator.
To be eligible to run for office, the candidate should be either a member in good standing for a year, a member who has attended at least three meetings in the last year OR someone who has been an active participant on a committee.
The officers shall be elected for a term of two years and shall remain in office until their successors are elected by a majority vote of the members of the Society at the April meeting.
In the event of death or resignation of any officer during the term of their office, the membership at the next regular meeting shall appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term.
A. PRESIDENT: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Society. He/She shall preside at all meetings of the Society. He/She shall have general oversight of the business affairs of the Society, with the assistance from the Executive Board. The President shall have the duty and responsibility of carrying out all orders, resolutions, and decisions of the membership. The President shall have the duty of appointing all committees and shall also be ex-officio member of all committees, except for the nominating committee.
The President shall have such other duties and powers as are delegated by the Executive Board.
B. VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President shall in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President. The Vice-President shall also be available to have general oversight of the business affairs of the society with the assistance of the Executive Board.
The Vice-President shall initiate and/or manage fundraising activities.
The Vice-President shall have such other duties and powers as are delegated by the President.
C. RECORDING SECRETARY: The Recording Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Society, and act as clerk thereof and record all votes and keep minutes of such proceedings in a book to be kept for that purpose.
D. Corresponding Secretary – The Corresponding Secretary shall keep a correct list of all members with their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses and shall conduct correspondence of the Society. The Corresponding Secretary shall collect and distribute the mail. The Corresponding secretary shall issue all letters for regular and special meetings of the Society. The Corresponding Secretary will send out notes of condolences or sunshine. The Corresponding secretary shall be responsible for publicity.
E. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the Society and shall keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and shall deposit all moneys or valuable effects in the name of the Society to the credit of the Society in such depositories as shall be designated by the membership.
The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the Society in accordance with the directions of the Membership, receiving proper vouchers for all such disbursements. The Treasurer shall make a monthly report of the finances of the Society at the Executive Board Meeting of the Society, which any member can access at any time. The Treasurer shall make any other reports as shall be required by the membership during the year.
The Treasurer’s accounts shall be regularly submitted for audit.
The Treasurer shall complete and file the following annual reports to government agencies.
Annual Report to the State of New Jersey. Division of Revenue
Fee of $25.00 and due by the end of January
Federal 990EZ filed each year to IRS
Charities Registration
NJ Office of the Attorney General
Division of Consumer Affairs
Renewal Each Year Due by the end of June. Financial Report. Payment $30.00
League of Historical Societies – Annual Fee $40.00
Prepare financial disbursement report with required documents to be submitted to the Township Clerk in order to receive the budgeted line item appropriated to the Historical Society.
The Treasurer shall follow with GAAP (General Accepted Accounting Principle)
The Treasurer shall prepare the yearly budget under the guidance of the Executive Board.
F. Curator – The Curator shall have charge of the books, manuscripts, curios, relics, antiques, historical items and other articles and materials owned by the Society. The curator will do their best to protect items from heat, light, and humidity. He/She shall arrange and catalog the same, with the names of the donors, or if a purchased item, the source of purchase.
The Curator will determine the relevance and historical significance of all items to Waretown, prior to accession. The Curator will keep in mind the mission of the Historical Society and determine if the item adds to that mission. Accession of items will be discussed with the Executive board, and or with members of the Accession committee. When an item is accepted into the permanent collection, the Curator will complete a Deed of Gift form, for items donated to the Society. The curator will mark each item with a unique Accession number. The Curator will maintain an inventory of items in a Data program, indicating Accession number, item description, donor information and location of where the item is displayed or stored. The Curator will discuss the de-accession of items with the Executive Board.
The Curator will display items in a cohesive manner and will occasionally rearrange the collection to keep it fresh and engaging.
The Curator will be responsible for special exhibits, (i.e. school children visits). The Curator will determine what items can be used as a “hands on” exhibit with the hope to educate and engage visitors.
The curator will schedule and train docents for special events.
G. Historian – The Historian shall occasionally research and write articles on Waretown’s history as needed. He/she shall edit publications the society may deem suitable to publish. He/she shall maintain a scrapbook of newspaper releases, photographs, etc., which shall become a permanent part of the society’s official history.
H. Trustees - There will be as many as 5 Trustees. The Head Trustee shall create a maintenance list including bathrooms, floors, heating filters among others and update it annually. The Trustees will share responsibilities of said list.
The Executive Board shall consist of the officers and the trustees. The President of the Society shall act as presiding officer at all Executive Board Meetings.
SECTION I: All elections of Trustees and Officers of the Society shall take place at the April meeting every two years.
SECTION II: At least two months before the April meeting, the President shall appoint a nominating committee and a chairman thereof. The nominating committee shall Present a slate of candidates for all positions and offices to be filled. Thereafter, additional nominations may be made from the floor, provided prior consent has been secured from the person nominated.
Amendments to these by-laws may be made at the regular meetings of the Society upon two-thirds vote of the membership of the Society present, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.
Upon leaving office, all officers, trustees, and chairpersons of all committees shall turn over to their successors before the next meeting all records, data and information relating to their office or committee.
“Robert’s Rules of Order Revised” shall be the authority for the parliamentary procedures used in meetings of the Society in all cases, provided they are consistent with these by-laws.
Meetings will be held the third (3rd) Monday of the month, except for December, in the Little Red Schoolhouse on Rt. 532 (Wells Mills Road) at 7:30pm. The Executive Board will meet at 7:00pm.
The name of this Society shall be The Historical Society of Waretown, Inc. Obtaining a Certificate of Incorporation in 1968. Said Corporation exists under the Title 15A of the Revised Statutes of the State on New Jersey.
The objectives of the Society shall be for collection, preservation, education and to obtain and record, through research, historical and genealogical information concerning events in order of their happenings, in the Township of Ocean (Waretown, Brookville). This also includes the areas formerly known as Old Dover Township, Old Stafford Township and Union Township. The objectives of the Society shall also be to restore and recreate any of the old buildings and/or historical sites in the Township of Ocean which may be deemed practical for historical preservation, and to furnish such buildings to conform with the period in which they were originally built.
All persons who are interested in carrying out the objectives of the Society shall be eligible for membership in the society.
A. CHARTER MEMBERS are those persons who joined the Society on or before 1968
B. Honorary Members are those persons who have rendered outstanding work or made valuable contributions for the furtherance of the objectives of the Society, upon recommendation of the Executive Board and upon election by a majority vote of the eligible members present at a regular meeting of the Society. Honorary members shall not be subject to the payment of dues or assessments.
C. Lifetime Members are those persons who joined the Society on or before October 30, 2004.
This marks the Grand Opening of the Little Red Schoolhouse Museum. These members assisted in the re-establishment of the Historical Society enabling the construction of the building.
D. Regular members shall be those persons joining the Society from time to time after 1968, other than Charter Members, Lifetime Members, or Honorary Members.
E. All members of the Society shall have full voting privileges if they have attended at least three regular meetings in any one year.
An applicant shall file an approved application form and submit same with annual dues.
A. The annual dues for membership in the Society shall be $5.00 due and payable to the Treasurer on January (1) first of each year.
B. No member shall be eligible for nomination to any office or be eligible to vote in any meeting of the Society if their dues are in arrears.
The Officers of the Society shall consist of a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Historian and Curator.
To be eligible to run for office, the candidate should be either a member in good standing for a year, a member who has attended at least three meetings in the last year OR someone who has been an active participant on a committee.
The officers shall be elected for a term of two years and shall remain in office until their successors are elected by a majority vote of the members of the Society at the April meeting.
In the event of death or resignation of any officer during the term of their office, the membership at the next regular meeting shall appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term.
A. PRESIDENT: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Society. He/She shall preside at all meetings of the Society. He/She shall have general oversight of the business affairs of the Society, with the assistance from the Executive Board. The President shall have the duty and responsibility of carrying out all orders, resolutions, and decisions of the membership. The President shall have the duty of appointing all committees and shall also be ex-officio member of all committees, except for the nominating committee.
The President shall have such other duties and powers as are delegated by the Executive Board.
B. VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President shall in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President. The Vice-President shall also be available to have general oversight of the business affairs of the society with the assistance of the Executive Board.
The Vice-President shall initiate and/or manage fundraising activities.
The Vice-President shall have such other duties and powers as are delegated by the President.
C. RECORDING SECRETARY: The Recording Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Society, and act as clerk thereof and record all votes and keep minutes of such proceedings in a book to be kept for that purpose.
D. Corresponding Secretary – The Corresponding Secretary shall keep a correct list of all members with their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses and shall conduct correspondence of the Society. The Corresponding Secretary shall collect and distribute the mail. The Corresponding secretary shall issue all letters for regular and special meetings of the Society. The Corresponding Secretary will send out notes of condolences or sunshine. The Corresponding secretary shall be responsible for publicity.
E. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the Society and shall keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and shall deposit all moneys or valuable effects in the name of the Society to the credit of the Society in such depositories as shall be designated by the membership.
The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the Society in accordance with the directions of the Membership, receiving proper vouchers for all such disbursements. The Treasurer shall make a monthly report of the finances of the Society at the Executive Board Meeting of the Society, which any member can access at any time. The Treasurer shall make any other reports as shall be required by the membership during the year.
The Treasurer’s accounts shall be regularly submitted for audit.
The Treasurer shall complete and file the following annual reports to government agencies.
Annual Report to the State of New Jersey. Division of Revenue
Fee of $25.00 and due by the end of January
Federal 990EZ filed each year to IRS
Charities Registration
NJ Office of the Attorney General
Division of Consumer Affairs
Renewal Each Year Due by the end of June. Financial Report. Payment $30.00
League of Historical Societies – Annual Fee $40.00
Prepare financial disbursement report with required documents to be submitted to the Township Clerk in order to receive the budgeted line item appropriated to the Historical Society.
The Treasurer shall follow with GAAP (General Accepted Accounting Principle)
The Treasurer shall prepare the yearly budget under the guidance of the Executive Board.
F. Curator – The Curator shall have charge of the books, manuscripts, curios, relics, antiques, historical items and other articles and materials owned by the Society. The curator will do their best to protect items from heat, light, and humidity. He/She shall arrange and catalog the same, with the names of the donors, or if a purchased item, the source of purchase.
The Curator will determine the relevance and historical significance of all items to Waretown, prior to accession. The Curator will keep in mind the mission of the Historical Society and determine if the item adds to that mission. Accession of items will be discussed with the Executive board, and or with members of the Accession committee. When an item is accepted into the permanent collection, the Curator will complete a Deed of Gift form, for items donated to the Society. The curator will mark each item with a unique Accession number. The Curator will maintain an inventory of items in a Data program, indicating Accession number, item description, donor information and location of where the item is displayed or stored. The Curator will discuss the de-accession of items with the Executive Board.
The Curator will display items in a cohesive manner and will occasionally rearrange the collection to keep it fresh and engaging.
The Curator will be responsible for special exhibits, (i.e. school children visits). The Curator will determine what items can be used as a “hands on” exhibit with the hope to educate and engage visitors.
The curator will schedule and train docents for special events.
G. Historian – The Historian shall occasionally research and write articles on Waretown’s history as needed. He/she shall edit publications the society may deem suitable to publish. He/she shall maintain a scrapbook of newspaper releases, photographs, etc., which shall become a permanent part of the society’s official history.
H. Trustees - There will be as many as 5 Trustees. The Head Trustee shall create a maintenance list including bathrooms, floors, heating filters among others and update it annually. The Trustees will share responsibilities of said list.
The Executive Board shall consist of the officers and the trustees. The President of the Society shall act as presiding officer at all Executive Board Meetings.
SECTION I: All elections of Trustees and Officers of the Society shall take place at the April meeting every two years.
SECTION II: At least two months before the April meeting, the President shall appoint a nominating committee and a chairman thereof. The nominating committee shall Present a slate of candidates for all positions and offices to be filled. Thereafter, additional nominations may be made from the floor, provided prior consent has been secured from the person nominated.
Amendments to these by-laws may be made at the regular meetings of the Society upon two-thirds vote of the membership of the Society present, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.
Upon leaving office, all officers, trustees, and chairpersons of all committees shall turn over to their successors before the next meeting all records, data and information relating to their office or committee.
“Robert’s Rules of Order Revised” shall be the authority for the parliamentary procedures used in meetings of the Society in all cases, provided they are consistent with these by-laws.
Meetings will be held the third (3rd) Monday of the month, except for December, in the Little Red Schoolhouse on Rt. 532 (Wells Mills Road) at 7:30pm. The Executive Board will meet at 7:00pm.