An appreciation of our past, Community in the present, and Preservation for the Future.
April's meeting was cancelled since many members were planning to be away after Easter Sunday. The Town sponsored Easter Egg Hunt was presented to the town this year for the first time since 2019. Areas of eggs were set up for the different ages of children. All the children seemed to have a great time. Thank you to our town for sponsoring this event. Our museum was open at the same time with available docents to answer questions and show people around. We estimate approximately 40 people came through the museum that day. Children and adults enjoyed working on the loom. Much progress was made.
In between the Easter Egg Hunt and our regular meeting, the Board met with representatives of Ocean County Historical Society. Brian C. travels all over the USA visiting historical societies to see what they are doing and offers ideas to increase membership and motivate organizations to continue. Samantha S. and Catherine M. both work with obtaining Grants for usage at the historical societies. Joan F., Bill F., Linda B., Adele S., and Ron T. were in attendance.
We started with a Round robin of Brian asking each of us why we were interested in history. Adele explained how we achieved the replica building of the original Schoolhouse.
Brian suggested that we bring back FUN. Joan F. mentioned that she had suggested a similar theme which we incorporated into our new season 2021-22. Brian suggested that we visit other historical groups to see what they are doing. He suggested that we advertise our meetings on a local TV station. Brian also told us that our board is very dedicated and committed, but we need more volunteers. We all agreed.
May's Meeting - May 16, 2022
There was no executive meeting.
Our regular meeting started around 7:31. Prior to the meeting Adele re-mentioned members who are in our prayers. Paul B., Jim P.who is doing much better, Ron E., Bill R., Anne G.,. She asked if anyone else should be on this list. Someone mentioned that John C has passed.
The previous minutes are on the website. All accepted.
The treasurer's report was presented and a hard copy is present with minutes in our binder at the museum. John P. made a motion to accept this report and June M seconded.
As of this meeting there are 93 regular paid members, and with the lifetime members gives us a total of around 200 members.
Correspondence - little notes were sent to the prayer list people.
Program Committee - no report at this time
Our previous month's meeting - Linda B.'s presentation was appreciated by all who attended. She had given enough information for other members to feel confidant if asked any questions by visitors in the future. A copy of her notes will be placed in the kitchen area as a reference for others.
Our memories stories, we now have 5 stories. Keep them coming in.
The Brochure that we voted on at the last meeting is still under development.
Sandy's Trip Plans were shared in the email sent to members by Adele and Linda. The information was also shared with the Friends of the Library in Waretown. Although the trip was cancelled, Sandy admits she learned a lot about planning a trip. During these difficult times and the rising cost of gas most people were interested, but not enough to actually do the trip. Maybe next year we can try again.
Veteran's Dedication with a display in the back. A Perpetual flame will be lit and a replica of a picture in our museum is posted.
The Flag program headed up by John P. is getting his new lists in order. Letters have gone out to Business Partners and some checks are coming in. First day is Memorial Day.
June 2 was the scholarship program. There was very little contact for recipients.
The topic of Summer Fridays came up. We used to have Summer programs on Friday afternoons from 1-3pm before the pandemic. We will look at this further, but Adele and Ron are interested in continuing this for this summer. Ideas for programs are always welcome.
We are also thinking of a Sunday afternoon program featuring Susan M. and her complete Sheep to Shawl program.
Music in the Park is a possibility for September or October. A Committee would have to be created.
The Brochure that we are thinking of creating is still in the works.
The broken piece of fascia was repaired by Matt A. from the township committee. A thank you note was sent to the Township Committee letting them know of our appreciation. Joan F. is going to ask if they could power wash the museum and the shed.
New Aquistion: Robbie Corliss donated Norman Dupont's clam rake. A note will be sent to him.
Announcements: The county did send out representatives. See above.
Anne G. made a motion to adjourn. John P. seconded.
This month's mini program was by Adele S. and Linda B.. The two of them discussed and explained the history of the Gaskill Emporium, 88 Main Street and Red Men's Hall, 90 Main Street. The emporium included an ice cream shop, started by Gaskill's second wife. There are 16 postcards that were printed inside the Sojourn Magazine by Alec Merriman. Adele presented our set of these pictures. Linda B., had lived in Red Men's Hall for 36 yrs. and recently sold the property to a contractor who has started to tear out the inside of the first floor. Linda had taken some pictures of open walls, etc and passed her phone around for all to look at their findings. Old gas heater in the floor, a tin ceiling in what might have been the original kitchen. The current kitchen was an add-on. A space in the hall that was previously closed was opened up to discover what may have been a coat closet and a dumbwaiter hidden inside. The original structure was not a house at all. It was a meeting place where the Township Committee members would have their monthly meetings. Archived minutes from those meetings are included at the museum with the location noted: Redman's Hall. The Chicksaw's and the Sons of Liberty would meet there. Dances were held there.
JW Letts owned Letts Store which was located at the blinker light. He owned a huge farm that went all the way to the bay. Letts Landing Road is named after him. He sold vegetables to the Campbell's Soup company.
Evidently a time capsule was buried at the Elementary School during the 1990's, but no one can remember where it is. If anyone reading this has any information, please contact us at [email protected] .
In between the Easter Egg Hunt and our regular meeting, the Board met with representatives of Ocean County Historical Society. Brian C. travels all over the USA visiting historical societies to see what they are doing and offers ideas to increase membership and motivate organizations to continue. Samantha S. and Catherine M. both work with obtaining Grants for usage at the historical societies. Joan F., Bill F., Linda B., Adele S., and Ron T. were in attendance.
We started with a Round robin of Brian asking each of us why we were interested in history. Adele explained how we achieved the replica building of the original Schoolhouse.
Brian suggested that we bring back FUN. Joan F. mentioned that she had suggested a similar theme which we incorporated into our new season 2021-22. Brian suggested that we visit other historical groups to see what they are doing. He suggested that we advertise our meetings on a local TV station. Brian also told us that our board is very dedicated and committed, but we need more volunteers. We all agreed.
May's Meeting - May 16, 2022
There was no executive meeting.
Our regular meeting started around 7:31. Prior to the meeting Adele re-mentioned members who are in our prayers. Paul B., Jim P.who is doing much better, Ron E., Bill R., Anne G.,. She asked if anyone else should be on this list. Someone mentioned that John C has passed.
The previous minutes are on the website. All accepted.
The treasurer's report was presented and a hard copy is present with minutes in our binder at the museum. John P. made a motion to accept this report and June M seconded.
As of this meeting there are 93 regular paid members, and with the lifetime members gives us a total of around 200 members.
Correspondence - little notes were sent to the prayer list people.
Program Committee - no report at this time
Our previous month's meeting - Linda B.'s presentation was appreciated by all who attended. She had given enough information for other members to feel confidant if asked any questions by visitors in the future. A copy of her notes will be placed in the kitchen area as a reference for others.
Our memories stories, we now have 5 stories. Keep them coming in.
The Brochure that we voted on at the last meeting is still under development.
Sandy's Trip Plans were shared in the email sent to members by Adele and Linda. The information was also shared with the Friends of the Library in Waretown. Although the trip was cancelled, Sandy admits she learned a lot about planning a trip. During these difficult times and the rising cost of gas most people were interested, but not enough to actually do the trip. Maybe next year we can try again.
Veteran's Dedication with a display in the back. A Perpetual flame will be lit and a replica of a picture in our museum is posted.
The Flag program headed up by John P. is getting his new lists in order. Letters have gone out to Business Partners and some checks are coming in. First day is Memorial Day.
June 2 was the scholarship program. There was very little contact for recipients.
The topic of Summer Fridays came up. We used to have Summer programs on Friday afternoons from 1-3pm before the pandemic. We will look at this further, but Adele and Ron are interested in continuing this for this summer. Ideas for programs are always welcome.
We are also thinking of a Sunday afternoon program featuring Susan M. and her complete Sheep to Shawl program.
Music in the Park is a possibility for September or October. A Committee would have to be created.
The Brochure that we are thinking of creating is still in the works.
The broken piece of fascia was repaired by Matt A. from the township committee. A thank you note was sent to the Township Committee letting them know of our appreciation. Joan F. is going to ask if they could power wash the museum and the shed.
New Aquistion: Robbie Corliss donated Norman Dupont's clam rake. A note will be sent to him.
Announcements: The county did send out representatives. See above.
Anne G. made a motion to adjourn. John P. seconded.
This month's mini program was by Adele S. and Linda B.. The two of them discussed and explained the history of the Gaskill Emporium, 88 Main Street and Red Men's Hall, 90 Main Street. The emporium included an ice cream shop, started by Gaskill's second wife. There are 16 postcards that were printed inside the Sojourn Magazine by Alec Merriman. Adele presented our set of these pictures. Linda B., had lived in Red Men's Hall for 36 yrs. and recently sold the property to a contractor who has started to tear out the inside of the first floor. Linda had taken some pictures of open walls, etc and passed her phone around for all to look at their findings. Old gas heater in the floor, a tin ceiling in what might have been the original kitchen. The current kitchen was an add-on. A space in the hall that was previously closed was opened up to discover what may have been a coat closet and a dumbwaiter hidden inside. The original structure was not a house at all. It was a meeting place where the Township Committee members would have their monthly meetings. Archived minutes from those meetings are included at the museum with the location noted: Redman's Hall. The Chicksaw's and the Sons of Liberty would meet there. Dances were held there.
JW Letts owned Letts Store which was located at the blinker light. He owned a huge farm that went all the way to the bay. Letts Landing Road is named after him. He sold vegetables to the Campbell's Soup company.
Evidently a time capsule was buried at the Elementary School during the 1990's, but no one can remember where it is. If anyone reading this has any information, please contact us at [email protected] .