Waretown Historical Society
Minutes of the April 15 Meeting
People in attendance: Adele S, Linda B, Aidan O, Ron T, Sandy G, June M, John Pa, John Pu, John Y, Kelly Z, Ken B, Lydia D, Gary C, Peg and Don M., Tom and Pat S., Donna F.
Before the meeting: This month’s list of people in our thoughts and prayers—Lee R., Annie G., Richard B's family and Jeff G.
Meeting called to order at 7:30pm.
Flag Salute
Mini Program – Historical Society president Adele S gave us a wonderful idea on what the school house was like when it was in operation.
Minutes of the previous meeting have been posted. No corrections were needed. John Pu made a motion to accept, June M. seconded.
Treasurer's report - Linda B gave a treasurer's report; all bills are paid. We purchased a program called Quicken for the use of the treasurer. Motion to accept: John Pu, seconded by John Pa.
Donations - We received a donation in memory of William and Catherine Gerken. They were related to Henry Gerken, a founding member of Waretown Historical Society and former trustee, who has also passed on.
Old Business – After February’s resignations, we are re-establishing our Historical Society Executive Board with temporary office holders that may become permanent. The membership voted for Linda B to be our new acting Treasurer, Aidan O our new Secretary, and for the time being, also Curator in the making. John Y has been a big help for us since February.
President - Adele S
Vice President - Linda B
Secretary - Aidan O
Treasurer - Linda B
Corresponding Secretary - Ron T
Curator - Aidan O
Historian - Adele S
Membership - Linda B, Ron T
Flag Program - John Pa
Trustees - Aidan O, Ron T, John Pu, John Pa, Anthony C, Dan C
Program Committee Report - Aidan O reported that our April 7th open house was another great hit! We had over 50 visitors come out, including Curtis W from the Barnegat Historical Society and the President of the Tuckerton Historical Society. June M added that several children enjoyed using the loom.
Docents were: Aidan O, Linda B, June M, John Pu
This Sunday Aidan O, Ron T, and John Pu will be at Forked River Mountain Volunteering.
Ron T talked about the upcoming summer Friday events.
Next month’s mini program: Linda B and Adele S will talk about the general store area of the museum.
Aidan O reported that we are bringing back the popular outdoor program Music in the Park. This year’s live concert will be held under the pavilion at Corliss Park on Saturday, September 7, from 5pm to Dusk. Aiden is looking into getting Kelly Z, who is a member of a band called Problem Child, to come out and perform that evening. We will have a food truck and an ice cream truck. If it rains, we will hold the event in the community center. The Last time we had Music in the Park was in 2019.
Facebook - Aidan O reported that we had to start a new Facebook page called “Waretown Historical Society.” The former Facebook page will be taken down in the coming days. We transferred most of the photos from the old to the new page. Every week, we are going to try to post a picture of something in the museum with a caption on what it is.
New Business - We are going to replace the water cooler with a mini fridge to hold bottled water. Motion to accept: Lydia D, seconded June M.
We made an executive board decision to purchase a new laptop with a mouse for the use of the incoming treasurer. The new Quicken program has been installed on it as well, so that all Waretown Historical Society financial records will be kept on the one machine.
Flag Program - John Pa Reported that he will be sending all the letters out to local businesses soon. Aidan O added that we need to inspect each flag and clean the flags.
Trustee Report - Aidan O reported the following work on the building: the shed was power washed, the garden beds edged, painting was completed on the railing, the air filter was replaced, the vent was vacuumed, the sill on the door facing the parking lot was fixed. The trustees are gathering volunteers for spring cleaning. Also, plans are in motion for a butterfly garden and pumpkin patch.
No new acquisitions
Questions from the members - Sandy G mentioned that we should look at getting a new PowerPoint projector for the museum, perhaps one that can be mounted on the ceiling. Aidan O and Kelly Z will look into it.
Sneakbox Update - Ron T showed the sneak box model that we will raffle off at the Pinelands Jamboree. Gary C says it looks pretty accurate to an actual sneakbox
Ron T mentioned plaques that he is working on.
Motion to adjourn 8:30pm - John Pu, seconded by Ron T
Minutes of the April 15 Meeting
People in attendance: Adele S, Linda B, Aidan O, Ron T, Sandy G, June M, John Pa, John Pu, John Y, Kelly Z, Ken B, Lydia D, Gary C, Peg and Don M., Tom and Pat S., Donna F.
Before the meeting: This month’s list of people in our thoughts and prayers—Lee R., Annie G., Richard B's family and Jeff G.
Meeting called to order at 7:30pm.
Flag Salute
Mini Program – Historical Society president Adele S gave us a wonderful idea on what the school house was like when it was in operation.
Minutes of the previous meeting have been posted. No corrections were needed. John Pu made a motion to accept, June M. seconded.
Treasurer's report - Linda B gave a treasurer's report; all bills are paid. We purchased a program called Quicken for the use of the treasurer. Motion to accept: John Pu, seconded by John Pa.
Donations - We received a donation in memory of William and Catherine Gerken. They were related to Henry Gerken, a founding member of Waretown Historical Society and former trustee, who has also passed on.
Old Business – After February’s resignations, we are re-establishing our Historical Society Executive Board with temporary office holders that may become permanent. The membership voted for Linda B to be our new acting Treasurer, Aidan O our new Secretary, and for the time being, also Curator in the making. John Y has been a big help for us since February.
President - Adele S
Vice President - Linda B
Secretary - Aidan O
Treasurer - Linda B
Corresponding Secretary - Ron T
Curator - Aidan O
Historian - Adele S
Membership - Linda B, Ron T
Flag Program - John Pa
Trustees - Aidan O, Ron T, John Pu, John Pa, Anthony C, Dan C
Program Committee Report - Aidan O reported that our April 7th open house was another great hit! We had over 50 visitors come out, including Curtis W from the Barnegat Historical Society and the President of the Tuckerton Historical Society. June M added that several children enjoyed using the loom.
Docents were: Aidan O, Linda B, June M, John Pu
This Sunday Aidan O, Ron T, and John Pu will be at Forked River Mountain Volunteering.
Ron T talked about the upcoming summer Friday events.
Next month’s mini program: Linda B and Adele S will talk about the general store area of the museum.
Aidan O reported that we are bringing back the popular outdoor program Music in the Park. This year’s live concert will be held under the pavilion at Corliss Park on Saturday, September 7, from 5pm to Dusk. Aiden is looking into getting Kelly Z, who is a member of a band called Problem Child, to come out and perform that evening. We will have a food truck and an ice cream truck. If it rains, we will hold the event in the community center. The Last time we had Music in the Park was in 2019.
Facebook - Aidan O reported that we had to start a new Facebook page called “Waretown Historical Society.” The former Facebook page will be taken down in the coming days. We transferred most of the photos from the old to the new page. Every week, we are going to try to post a picture of something in the museum with a caption on what it is.
New Business - We are going to replace the water cooler with a mini fridge to hold bottled water. Motion to accept: Lydia D, seconded June M.
We made an executive board decision to purchase a new laptop with a mouse for the use of the incoming treasurer. The new Quicken program has been installed on it as well, so that all Waretown Historical Society financial records will be kept on the one machine.
Flag Program - John Pa Reported that he will be sending all the letters out to local businesses soon. Aidan O added that we need to inspect each flag and clean the flags.
Trustee Report - Aidan O reported the following work on the building: the shed was power washed, the garden beds edged, painting was completed on the railing, the air filter was replaced, the vent was vacuumed, the sill on the door facing the parking lot was fixed. The trustees are gathering volunteers for spring cleaning. Also, plans are in motion for a butterfly garden and pumpkin patch.
No new acquisitions
Questions from the members - Sandy G mentioned that we should look at getting a new PowerPoint projector for the museum, perhaps one that can be mounted on the ceiling. Aidan O and Kelly Z will look into it.
Sneakbox Update - Ron T showed the sneak box model that we will raffle off at the Pinelands Jamboree. Gary C says it looks pretty accurate to an actual sneakbox
Ron T mentioned plaques that he is working on.
Motion to adjourn 8:30pm - John Pu, seconded by Ron T