January 15, 2024
Before the meeting started, prayers were offered to Jeff G..
Flag Salute
Mini program - 15 min. (snow was falling)
Minutes of the previous meeting-
motion to accept - John Py., seconded by Joan F.,
Treasurer's Report
motion to accept and file for Audit - Joan F. and John Py.
Memorials and Membership -
Doris D.,- husband passed on Christmas Eve - card sent
New Membership drive is in progress. Renewals are coming in every day. When it's over we will get a count of how many members are listed. Lifetime members program update is being performed by Aidan O., and June M., and Ron T.. They are sending out letters to find out if there are any changes in their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. When complete we will let membership know the details.
Correspondence -
Thank you cards were sent to Keith B., for a donation.
John K., for a donation
Santa - for a donation
Program committee report -
The Christmas Gala - 75 - 100 people attended throughout the day. Some stayed all day, others came and went. Pianist was wonderful. Very nice background music. Maybe we should make this a yearly event? June M., made a motion to have the Gala be a yearly event, Lydia D., seconded. The first Sunday in December 2024 will be the next one.
Old business -
Electrician needs to be called about 2 circuits so we can plug more than one item in at a time.
Danny Colamer and the bell holder, no new news.
New business-
The Christmas Gala will be annual.
Flag Program Report
Corks in the bottom on the poles are being checked.
Vendors who need an electronic payment method still needs to be figured out.
Grant program -
Nothing to report
Trustee Report
Steps need attention - David S., will check them out. Ron T., has added wood to hold them in place.
Rodent situation is being dealt with by Matt A.,
No termites under the building.
Plans are in the works for a new sign for the parking lot side of the museum.
Acquisitions -
John Yates - Genealogy of Paul Warren family - all in a binder.
Cherry Pitter
Butter Molds
Pocket watches and arrow heads
Star S. from the Animal Clinic
Announcements by Members
Jan. 26 - updating mitigation program
for Ocean County - all can attend, Flood insurance
Sneak box plans - design 1948 Grove C., Field and Stream
Ron T., and Aidan O., are working on making two of these to be auctioned off.
Short Course - Stockton College- ideas and contacts for us to use for summer programs. Forked River Mountains clean up Coalition.
April 6 - NJ Ship- new Submarine
Motion to adjourn - Joan F., seconded by June M.,
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Bleeke
Floating Secretary
Before the meeting started, prayers were offered to Jeff G..
Flag Salute
Mini program - 15 min. (snow was falling)
Minutes of the previous meeting-
motion to accept - John Py., seconded by Joan F.,
Treasurer's Report
motion to accept and file for Audit - Joan F. and John Py.
Memorials and Membership -
Doris D.,- husband passed on Christmas Eve - card sent
New Membership drive is in progress. Renewals are coming in every day. When it's over we will get a count of how many members are listed. Lifetime members program update is being performed by Aidan O., and June M., and Ron T.. They are sending out letters to find out if there are any changes in their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. When complete we will let membership know the details.
Correspondence -
Thank you cards were sent to Keith B., for a donation.
John K., for a donation
Santa - for a donation
Program committee report -
The Christmas Gala - 75 - 100 people attended throughout the day. Some stayed all day, others came and went. Pianist was wonderful. Very nice background music. Maybe we should make this a yearly event? June M., made a motion to have the Gala be a yearly event, Lydia D., seconded. The first Sunday in December 2024 will be the next one.
Old business -
Electrician needs to be called about 2 circuits so we can plug more than one item in at a time.
Danny Colamer and the bell holder, no new news.
New business-
The Christmas Gala will be annual.
Flag Program Report
Corks in the bottom on the poles are being checked.
Vendors who need an electronic payment method still needs to be figured out.
Grant program -
Nothing to report
Trustee Report
Steps need attention - David S., will check them out. Ron T., has added wood to hold them in place.
Rodent situation is being dealt with by Matt A.,
No termites under the building.
Plans are in the works for a new sign for the parking lot side of the museum.
Acquisitions -
John Yates - Genealogy of Paul Warren family - all in a binder.
Cherry Pitter
Butter Molds
Pocket watches and arrow heads
Star S. from the Animal Clinic
Announcements by Members
Jan. 26 - updating mitigation program
for Ocean County - all can attend, Flood insurance
Sneak box plans - design 1948 Grove C., Field and Stream
Ron T., and Aidan O., are working on making two of these to be auctioned off.
Short Course - Stockton College- ideas and contacts for us to use for summer programs. Forked River Mountains clean up Coalition.
April 6 - NJ Ship- new Submarine
Motion to adjourn - Joan F., seconded by June M.,
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Bleeke
Floating Secretary