September 18, 2023
People in attendance: Aidan O., June M., John Y., Sandy G., Lydia D., Joan and Bill F., Ron T., Linda B., Adele S., John P., Grace L.
Meeting called to order at 7:33pm.
Prayers were said for Paul B. who is in rehab, Steve Hardeski's family, (funeral was yesterday), Kathy is doing quite well, Sandy's daughter is doing well, and Evie K. is doing very well.
Before the meeting was officially started. Adele read pages in the Warren diary up to pg. 58. It is an interesting diary that includes weather reports from back in the days of his youth along with lesson plans from the school house.
Flag Salute
Minutes were previously posted online. Any changes? None.
Motion to accept the minutes made by June M. seconded by Sandy G., all in favor? AYE.
Treasurer's report - Anne G. was absent from the meeting and the report will be postponed until next month. A motion to defer the reading of the treasurer's report was made by Joan F. and seconded by Grace L..
Memorials and Membership - a sympathy card will be sent to Anne G. (sister of Steve H.) as well as to the Shaw family.
1 renewal member - 92 regular members plus lifetime.
Correspondence - Sal Marino sent a receipt for the Beach Bums program., Susan Schmidt sent old pictures of Waretown, we received a letter asking us if we might be interested in a cabinet that was originally inside the schoolhouse.
Program committee report:
Beach Bums - pictures for program worked, very informative program.
Sept. 24th program with Jack Henderson. Sunday at 2:00pm . we will meet there.
Albert Hall Festival - excellent.
Purchased a history of the Lenape Indians for the Society along with the second Piney book - motion to reimburse Linda B. for said purchase made by Grace L., seconded by June M. all in favor ? AYE
Several contacts at the Festival for possible programs next year:
Bill Lewis - the Piney Guy
Cigar box Guitars
Pine needle baskets - Susan Slater
Greg Vizzi - Lenape Indians
Pinelands Alliance - Sandy G., talked about a possible program from them.
Pinelands Jamboree is Oct. 14th - Ron T., Aidan O., Lydia D., June M., volunteers. Linda B., may make an appearance.
High school volunteers wanting to earn community hours will be available after Oct. 19th.
Flag program - one more day. John P. was given a list of new volunteers.
Grants - nothing new to report.
Trustee report - There is an appointment to have the toilet seat fixed in the main bathroom. The handrail has been fixed on one side, the other side is coming. A comment from our curator was made to remind members to keep the door closed so the humidity levels remain even at all times. A member noticed that the fans need to be cleaned which made us aware that we need a new steadier ladder. June M. made a motion to purchase a new ladder, John Pu seconded it.
John Y. donated fake apples for our apple press. Thank you very much.
Acquisitions - Original cabinet from David Zambelli. Pictures from Susan Schmidt.
Pictures from Dan Salese are still being edited before printing.
A suggestion was made to have candles in the window to allow people to see our building in the dark.
Lydia D., asked about the progress of the commemorative plaques. The team is still working on them and they will hopefully have them done by the next meeting.
The Old Cemetery was cleaned by the town, and research is taking place to discover who actually owns it. The Waretown Meeting House originally owned it.
Grace made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Lydia seconded it.
People in attendance: Aidan O., June M., John Y., Sandy G., Lydia D., Joan and Bill F., Ron T., Linda B., Adele S., John P., Grace L.
Meeting called to order at 7:33pm.
Prayers were said for Paul B. who is in rehab, Steve Hardeski's family, (funeral was yesterday), Kathy is doing quite well, Sandy's daughter is doing well, and Evie K. is doing very well.
Before the meeting was officially started. Adele read pages in the Warren diary up to pg. 58. It is an interesting diary that includes weather reports from back in the days of his youth along with lesson plans from the school house.
Flag Salute
Minutes were previously posted online. Any changes? None.
Motion to accept the minutes made by June M. seconded by Sandy G., all in favor? AYE.
Treasurer's report - Anne G. was absent from the meeting and the report will be postponed until next month. A motion to defer the reading of the treasurer's report was made by Joan F. and seconded by Grace L..
Memorials and Membership - a sympathy card will be sent to Anne G. (sister of Steve H.) as well as to the Shaw family.
1 renewal member - 92 regular members plus lifetime.
Correspondence - Sal Marino sent a receipt for the Beach Bums program., Susan Schmidt sent old pictures of Waretown, we received a letter asking us if we might be interested in a cabinet that was originally inside the schoolhouse.
Program committee report:
Beach Bums - pictures for program worked, very informative program.
Sept. 24th program with Jack Henderson. Sunday at 2:00pm . we will meet there.
Albert Hall Festival - excellent.
Purchased a history of the Lenape Indians for the Society along with the second Piney book - motion to reimburse Linda B. for said purchase made by Grace L., seconded by June M. all in favor ? AYE
Several contacts at the Festival for possible programs next year:
Bill Lewis - the Piney Guy
Cigar box Guitars
Pine needle baskets - Susan Slater
Greg Vizzi - Lenape Indians
Pinelands Alliance - Sandy G., talked about a possible program from them.
Pinelands Jamboree is Oct. 14th - Ron T., Aidan O., Lydia D., June M., volunteers. Linda B., may make an appearance.
High school volunteers wanting to earn community hours will be available after Oct. 19th.
Flag program - one more day. John P. was given a list of new volunteers.
Grants - nothing new to report.
Trustee report - There is an appointment to have the toilet seat fixed in the main bathroom. The handrail has been fixed on one side, the other side is coming. A comment from our curator was made to remind members to keep the door closed so the humidity levels remain even at all times. A member noticed that the fans need to be cleaned which made us aware that we need a new steadier ladder. June M. made a motion to purchase a new ladder, John Pu seconded it.
John Y. donated fake apples for our apple press. Thank you very much.
Acquisitions - Original cabinet from David Zambelli. Pictures from Susan Schmidt.
Pictures from Dan Salese are still being edited before printing.
A suggestion was made to have candles in the window to allow people to see our building in the dark.
Lydia D., asked about the progress of the commemorative plaques. The team is still working on them and they will hopefully have them done by the next meeting.
The Old Cemetery was cleaned by the town, and research is taking place to discover who actually owns it. The Waretown Meeting House originally owned it.
Grace made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Lydia seconded it.