Members in attendance:
Grace L., Lydia D., Peg and Don M., Sandy G., June M., Cathy M., Glemys B., Ken B., John Pu., John Y., John P., Aidan O., Adele S., Linda B., and Ron T..
Before the meeting: Prayers were said for Lee R., Jeff G.,
Flag salute
Mini program - Ron T., presented an overview of the Railroad traffic in south jersey. He utilized a PP presentation and two short videos with the assistance of Aidan O.,
Minutes of the previous meeting online-
no corrections - motion to accept John Pu., 2nd June M.,
Treasurer's report - Linda B., presented a simple version, money in, money out and bills paid. Motion to accept Aidan and 2nd by Grace.
Memorials and membership -
No memorials
Membership letters are almost finished. Lifetime list is getting split into Forever Lifetime members who we cannot contact and Lifetime members who we can contact.
Some letters are coming back as undeliverables.
Correspondence -
Adele received two letters of resignation. One from our past Curator, Joan F., and Trustee, William F., and our past treasurer, Anne G.,. These members had given 28 years of voluntary service to our museum and we thank them for this service. Each of these members plan on continuing their support for our society.
Thank you cards were sent to Don and Peg M. for a donation to the scholarship fund. A thank you card was sent to Larry L. for a donation, and a card sent to Dawn C. for a donation.
Program committee -
We may have more programs than we have summer Friday's. We were open on Mar. 3rd - very successful, no pictures, but it was very well attended. Docents were Linda B., Sandy G., Aidan O., June M., Adele S., and we had over 50 visitors.
We will be open for the Easter Egg Hunt on Mar. 24th and the first Sunday in April. Docents Ron T., Aidan O., Linda B.,
Mini program for April May June
New business -
Slate of officers - need volunteers
Adele S., President
Linda B., Vice- president
Rotating Secretary
_________________ Treasurer
Ron T. Corresponding
_______________ Curator
Adele S., Historian
Ron T., & Linda B., Membership
John P. Flag Program
Ron T.
Aidan O.
John P.
John Pu
Anthony C
Dan C.
Sneak box update - Aidan
Bell Stand - Dan C.
Replacement for Matt A. - Dan K.
Flag program - John P.,
letters will be updated. Some to new businesses. No news on electronic payment.
Grant program - NONE
Trustee Report -
Electrician needs to be called - outside lights and inside dimmer switch. $500 budget to get them fixed. Grace made the motion, John Pu., seconded.
Steps are secure for now. Need to be replaced soon.
Gutters are clean now. We would like to give him a shirt.
Acquisitions - Civil war plates that are not really antiques, but collectibles.
Announcements - speakers for summer programs up to $150 . Sandy G., can do a presentation on Hurricane Readiness.
Ron would like us to support the Fire Department. could they come out and check our Fire Extinguisher?
There is a loose piece of siding that needs attention, the door on the shed needs some attention. June M made a motion to look into fixing. Ken B., seconded.
April 7th - Docents - John Pu., Aidan O., Linda B., Sandy G.,
Motion to Adjourn - Grace L., and second June M.
Grace L., Lydia D., Peg and Don M., Sandy G., June M., Cathy M., Glemys B., Ken B., John Pu., John Y., John P., Aidan O., Adele S., Linda B., and Ron T..
Before the meeting: Prayers were said for Lee R., Jeff G.,
Flag salute
Mini program - Ron T., presented an overview of the Railroad traffic in south jersey. He utilized a PP presentation and two short videos with the assistance of Aidan O.,
Minutes of the previous meeting online-
no corrections - motion to accept John Pu., 2nd June M.,
Treasurer's report - Linda B., presented a simple version, money in, money out and bills paid. Motion to accept Aidan and 2nd by Grace.
Memorials and membership -
No memorials
Membership letters are almost finished. Lifetime list is getting split into Forever Lifetime members who we cannot contact and Lifetime members who we can contact.
Some letters are coming back as undeliverables.
Correspondence -
Adele received two letters of resignation. One from our past Curator, Joan F., and Trustee, William F., and our past treasurer, Anne G.,. These members had given 28 years of voluntary service to our museum and we thank them for this service. Each of these members plan on continuing their support for our society.
Thank you cards were sent to Don and Peg M. for a donation to the scholarship fund. A thank you card was sent to Larry L. for a donation, and a card sent to Dawn C. for a donation.
Program committee -
We may have more programs than we have summer Friday's. We were open on Mar. 3rd - very successful, no pictures, but it was very well attended. Docents were Linda B., Sandy G., Aidan O., June M., Adele S., and we had over 50 visitors.
We will be open for the Easter Egg Hunt on Mar. 24th and the first Sunday in April. Docents Ron T., Aidan O., Linda B.,
Mini program for April May June
New business -
Slate of officers - need volunteers
Adele S., President
Linda B., Vice- president
Rotating Secretary
_________________ Treasurer
Ron T. Corresponding
_______________ Curator
Adele S., Historian
Ron T., & Linda B., Membership
John P. Flag Program
Ron T.
Aidan O.
John P.
John Pu
Anthony C
Dan C.
Sneak box update - Aidan
Bell Stand - Dan C.
Replacement for Matt A. - Dan K.
Flag program - John P.,
letters will be updated. Some to new businesses. No news on electronic payment.
Grant program - NONE
Trustee Report -
Electrician needs to be called - outside lights and inside dimmer switch. $500 budget to get them fixed. Grace made the motion, John Pu., seconded.
Steps are secure for now. Need to be replaced soon.
Gutters are clean now. We would like to give him a shirt.
Acquisitions - Civil war plates that are not really antiques, but collectibles.
Announcements - speakers for summer programs up to $150 . Sandy G., can do a presentation on Hurricane Readiness.
Ron would like us to support the Fire Department. could they come out and check our Fire Extinguisher?
There is a loose piece of siding that needs attention, the door on the shed needs some attention. June M made a motion to look into fixing. Ken B., seconded.
April 7th - Docents - John Pu., Aidan O., Linda B., Sandy G.,
Motion to Adjourn - Grace L., and second June M.