April 17, 2023
Before the meeting, we started with prayers for Jeff Geary to continue after his back surgery.
Minutes have been on hold during a re-organization process.
The By-laws were posted on the website for approval by members.
Membership - 66 regular members, 2 new. Plus lifetime members.
the Treasurer's report was presented. June made a motion to accept. Ron seconded. All in favor. AYE
Correspondence - a few thank you's were sent out.
Website - updated for the program on the 30th.
Titanic program presented by Sandy Gray. Wonderful as always, but this year even better since she included collection of artifacts.
The Easter Egg Hunt was very well attended but entrance into the museum was blocked by no one having a key. It seems there was a bit of confusion as to who was going to open the museum up that day for the docents to get inside for visitors. This will not happen again.
Ron Trinder had a nice chat with Paul Bonnell and Jean Bonnell. Ron took notes which he will transcribe into the stories and they will be added to our booklet. Born in 1929, drove a Model A Ford. Baymen, scalloping.
Elections were discussed. The by-laws have to be voted on and a nominating committee created; however we don't have enough active members to accomplish this. No decision was made.
No Founders Day again this year. Fireworks on the Bay on Memorial day will happen at dusk.
Jeanne Broadbent would like a program to be at the park on or around Oct. 16-17, 2023. Vendors invited. Museum will be open and possibly have a table outside as well.
Flag program is filling up. There are still some businesses that have not responded.
A suggestion to put up temporary signs out front when we are going to have a Friday program as well as having the town wide email sent out.
Trustees report states that some flowers have been put out and the town put down mulch, making sure the AC ducts are not blocked. The electrician is set to come on May 8th. Bill Field will be here to let them in.
No acquisitions.
Summer programs are almost all lined up.
Shelves for the flags are done. Reorganizing of the shed is taking place.
Making of the special plaques were discussed. At the moment only 2 members are going to receive a plaque.
Anne made a motion to adjourn. June seconded.
After meeting but before the presentation, questions were asked about purchasing a new projector for use by speakers, etc.
Our mini- program was the continuation of the reading of the 1888 journal of Paul W. Warren, which he wrote from March through September of that year. Paul was a Waretown boy, one of three generations of mariners who lived on Main Street in Waretown. Paul’s grandfather John was also the keeper of Barnegat Lighthouse in 1850. Paul was 14 or 15 years old when he began his journal. Although it now belongs to the Ocean County Historical Society, we have it on a thumb drive, which we project on the screen as we read.
Before the meeting, we started with prayers for Jeff Geary to continue after his back surgery.
Minutes have been on hold during a re-organization process.
The By-laws were posted on the website for approval by members.
Membership - 66 regular members, 2 new. Plus lifetime members.
the Treasurer's report was presented. June made a motion to accept. Ron seconded. All in favor. AYE
Correspondence - a few thank you's were sent out.
Website - updated for the program on the 30th.
Titanic program presented by Sandy Gray. Wonderful as always, but this year even better since she included collection of artifacts.
The Easter Egg Hunt was very well attended but entrance into the museum was blocked by no one having a key. It seems there was a bit of confusion as to who was going to open the museum up that day for the docents to get inside for visitors. This will not happen again.
Ron Trinder had a nice chat with Paul Bonnell and Jean Bonnell. Ron took notes which he will transcribe into the stories and they will be added to our booklet. Born in 1929, drove a Model A Ford. Baymen, scalloping.
Elections were discussed. The by-laws have to be voted on and a nominating committee created; however we don't have enough active members to accomplish this. No decision was made.
No Founders Day again this year. Fireworks on the Bay on Memorial day will happen at dusk.
Jeanne Broadbent would like a program to be at the park on or around Oct. 16-17, 2023. Vendors invited. Museum will be open and possibly have a table outside as well.
Flag program is filling up. There are still some businesses that have not responded.
A suggestion to put up temporary signs out front when we are going to have a Friday program as well as having the town wide email sent out.
Trustees report states that some flowers have been put out and the town put down mulch, making sure the AC ducts are not blocked. The electrician is set to come on May 8th. Bill Field will be here to let them in.
No acquisitions.
Summer programs are almost all lined up.
Shelves for the flags are done. Reorganizing of the shed is taking place.
Making of the special plaques were discussed. At the moment only 2 members are going to receive a plaque.
Anne made a motion to adjourn. June seconded.
After meeting but before the presentation, questions were asked about purchasing a new projector for use by speakers, etc.
Our mini- program was the continuation of the reading of the 1888 journal of Paul W. Warren, which he wrote from March through September of that year. Paul was a Waretown boy, one of three generations of mariners who lived on Main Street in Waretown. Paul’s grandfather John was also the keeper of Barnegat Lighthouse in 1850. Paul was 14 or 15 years old when he began his journal. Although it now belongs to the Ocean County Historical Society, we have it on a thumb drive, which we project on the screen as we read.