August 21, 2023
People in attendance:
Grace L., Anne G., Linda B., Adele S., Aidan O., John Y., June M., Sandy G., Ron T., Elaine B., Bill F., Joan F.,
Meeting called to order at 7:25pm.
Prayers were said for Paul B., Ron's niece Kathy, Sandy G's family, Evie K.- hurt her leg., and Adele S.'s family with the passing of her cousin Steve Hardeski.
Flag Salute
Minutes were previously posted online. Any changes? None
Motion to accept the minutes made by Grace L., seconded by Anne G., all agree? AYE.
Treasurers report - Anne G., From June to July, Original report can be found in the file inside the museum.
Motion to accept the treasurers report June, seconded by Ron and all agreed. AYE.
Membership and correspondence - Linda B. - There are currently 91 paid members.
Correspondence - get well card to Paul Bonnell, and a condolescence card to Adele's family and Steve H's family.
We received official plans for a sneak box from Field and Stream.
Programs - Beach Bums - August 25th - Boardwalks in NJ
A possible Sunday program at the Lighthouse Center for Natural Resource Education.
Possibly a Sunday program.
Sept 16 - Albert Music Hall Fest - Ron, Linda and possibly June
Set up tables and sell some of our items.
Bee Keeper - fantastic program.
Rivers program - Very good. Stockton - Claude Epstein
Women in NJ - Elizabeth Cronin talked about Dorothy Reeves
Children coming on Aug. 17, there were 33 in all. June T.,Anne G., Adele S., June M., and Joan F were the docents. they broke up the children into groups and had some hands on activities.
Future event - 2 trips with children. We would pay for the School Bus and the nurse. $200.00 x 2 not to exceed $500. Grace made a motion to do this. June M., seconded. All in favor. AYE.
We are in need a fake apples for the apple Press.
New business -
Elaine B., Limeworks - Video for cleaning head stones will be posted online.
A new shelf for the flags has been built.
Trustees- the plants that were covering the vents have been removed. Marigolds have grown. Anyone who would like to add more, please do so.
Sprinklers have still not been taken care of.
Acquisition - New - Apple Press
Given to us by Joe Minso, they used to make apple cider and it is from the 1920's.
Desk - original from the schoolhouse - given to us by Linda Roots. Her grandfather was Grandfather Ricci.
Blueprints for the Marina - 1946. Picture of Marinas
Pictures sent to Linda B., on Messenger. Print 8x10's or 5 x 7's. Ron made a motion to print. Anne seconded. Grace L., is donating money for this project.
No mini program tonight.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm Anne made a motion and June seconded. All in favor. AYE
People in attendance:
Grace L., Anne G., Linda B., Adele S., Aidan O., John Y., June M., Sandy G., Ron T., Elaine B., Bill F., Joan F.,
Meeting called to order at 7:25pm.
Prayers were said for Paul B., Ron's niece Kathy, Sandy G's family, Evie K.- hurt her leg., and Adele S.'s family with the passing of her cousin Steve Hardeski.
Flag Salute
Minutes were previously posted online. Any changes? None
Motion to accept the minutes made by Grace L., seconded by Anne G., all agree? AYE.
Treasurers report - Anne G., From June to July, Original report can be found in the file inside the museum.
Motion to accept the treasurers report June, seconded by Ron and all agreed. AYE.
Membership and correspondence - Linda B. - There are currently 91 paid members.
Correspondence - get well card to Paul Bonnell, and a condolescence card to Adele's family and Steve H's family.
We received official plans for a sneak box from Field and Stream.
Programs - Beach Bums - August 25th - Boardwalks in NJ
A possible Sunday program at the Lighthouse Center for Natural Resource Education.
Possibly a Sunday program.
Sept 16 - Albert Music Hall Fest - Ron, Linda and possibly June
Set up tables and sell some of our items.
Bee Keeper - fantastic program.
Rivers program - Very good. Stockton - Claude Epstein
Women in NJ - Elizabeth Cronin talked about Dorothy Reeves
Children coming on Aug. 17, there were 33 in all. June T.,Anne G., Adele S., June M., and Joan F were the docents. they broke up the children into groups and had some hands on activities.
Future event - 2 trips with children. We would pay for the School Bus and the nurse. $200.00 x 2 not to exceed $500. Grace made a motion to do this. June M., seconded. All in favor. AYE.
We are in need a fake apples for the apple Press.
New business -
Elaine B., Limeworks - Video for cleaning head stones will be posted online.
A new shelf for the flags has been built.
Trustees- the plants that were covering the vents have been removed. Marigolds have grown. Anyone who would like to add more, please do so.
Sprinklers have still not been taken care of.
Acquisition - New - Apple Press
Given to us by Joe Minso, they used to make apple cider and it is from the 1920's.
Desk - original from the schoolhouse - given to us by Linda Roots. Her grandfather was Grandfather Ricci.
Blueprints for the Marina - 1946. Picture of Marinas
Pictures sent to Linda B., on Messenger. Print 8x10's or 5 x 7's. Ron made a motion to print. Anne seconded. Grace L., is donating money for this project.
No mini program tonight.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm Anne made a motion and June seconded. All in favor. AYE