Waretown Historical Society
October 21, 2024 Meeting Minutes
People in attendance: Adele S., Linda B., John Pu., John Pa., Lydia D., Peg and Don M., June M., Buck and Sandy G., John Y.
Meeting called to order.
Thoughts and prayers: Lee R., Annie G., LeVerne
Flag salute
Previous months minutes have been posted. No corrections needed. All in favor of accepting the minutes? AYE
Treasurers Report - our annual letter to the town was put together and delivered. Linda B. used Anne G's last letter as a sample and implemented this year's monies on the form. The information was received by town hall by the intended date.
All regular bills have been paid. A detailed list of incoming money and outgoing money was made available to members.
Totals for the scholarship fund were given to interested people.
John Pu made a motion to accept the treasurers report. Don M, seconded all in favor AYE.
Membership - we are up to 105 paid yearly members. Over 100 Lifetime.
Memorials - none
Correspondence - we received two tickets to a play at Southern Reg. School .
Mini - program - Ron T., was supposed to do this, but at the last minute he informed us that he would be out of town. Linda B. stepped in and with Adele's help showed pictures from the original building of our school house. It was nice to remember.
Program committee - Lord of Lords had a separate open house with approx. 20 walk ins. Very nice. Contacts were established at the Pinelands Jamboree for next Summer Fridays. Khadi has a few ideas for programs in the future.
Community Outreach - The Friends of the Waretown Library once again used the museum for their meeting on Oct. 14th as the conference room is still under construction.
Music in the Park - we talked about this at the last meeting.
Movie in the Park - very successful. Popcorn was a great hit.
June M., and Linda B. made over 300 cups of popcorn.
Pinelands Jamboree - very nice turnout. We sold some apparel and some recipe books. If we had had more books we would have sold them. Linda B. got an updated picture of Smokey Bear.
Curator - John Y. and Linda B. worked on the inventory a little bit more. We will continue to do this after the holidays.
Flag report - we are all ready for Veteran's Day. We have new Flag sponsor posters and we are getting stickers soon.
Trustee Report -
The leak has been fixed by the township workers. Excellent job.
Acorns have been raked up for safety.
Leaves have been blown a few times.
The trustees would like volunteers to come out to the museum to empty and clean out the shed to see if any of the contents can be discarded.
We are also in need of a few more Christmas decorations.
The rope for the bell outside needs to be fixed.
Acquisitions - Southern Reg. Schools donated 4 binders of historical information that we will keep and make available for anyone to look through.
The town website information concerning Waretown Historical Society has been updated with our current officers and trustees. Thank you to Diane Ambrosio
John Pa. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Don M.
Meeting adjourned.
October 21, 2024 Meeting Minutes
People in attendance: Adele S., Linda B., John Pu., John Pa., Lydia D., Peg and Don M., June M., Buck and Sandy G., John Y.
Meeting called to order.
Thoughts and prayers: Lee R., Annie G., LeVerne
Flag salute
Previous months minutes have been posted. No corrections needed. All in favor of accepting the minutes? AYE
Treasurers Report - our annual letter to the town was put together and delivered. Linda B. used Anne G's last letter as a sample and implemented this year's monies on the form. The information was received by town hall by the intended date.
All regular bills have been paid. A detailed list of incoming money and outgoing money was made available to members.
Totals for the scholarship fund were given to interested people.
John Pu made a motion to accept the treasurers report. Don M, seconded all in favor AYE.
Membership - we are up to 105 paid yearly members. Over 100 Lifetime.
Memorials - none
Correspondence - we received two tickets to a play at Southern Reg. School .
Mini - program - Ron T., was supposed to do this, but at the last minute he informed us that he would be out of town. Linda B. stepped in and with Adele's help showed pictures from the original building of our school house. It was nice to remember.
Program committee - Lord of Lords had a separate open house with approx. 20 walk ins. Very nice. Contacts were established at the Pinelands Jamboree for next Summer Fridays. Khadi has a few ideas for programs in the future.
Community Outreach - The Friends of the Waretown Library once again used the museum for their meeting on Oct. 14th as the conference room is still under construction.
Music in the Park - we talked about this at the last meeting.
Movie in the Park - very successful. Popcorn was a great hit.
June M., and Linda B. made over 300 cups of popcorn.
Pinelands Jamboree - very nice turnout. We sold some apparel and some recipe books. If we had had more books we would have sold them. Linda B. got an updated picture of Smokey Bear.
Curator - John Y. and Linda B. worked on the inventory a little bit more. We will continue to do this after the holidays.
Flag report - we are all ready for Veteran's Day. We have new Flag sponsor posters and we are getting stickers soon.
Trustee Report -
The leak has been fixed by the township workers. Excellent job.
Acorns have been raked up for safety.
Leaves have been blown a few times.
The trustees would like volunteers to come out to the museum to empty and clean out the shed to see if any of the contents can be discarded.
We are also in need of a few more Christmas decorations.
The rope for the bell outside needs to be fixed.
Acquisitions - Southern Reg. Schools donated 4 binders of historical information that we will keep and make available for anyone to look through.
The town website information concerning Waretown Historical Society has been updated with our current officers and trustees. Thank you to Diane Ambrosio
John Pa. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Don M.
Meeting adjourned.